Mr. Jack Welch
Baker's Plays
100 Chauncey St.
Boston, Ma. 02111
Dear Mr. Welch:
Concord Players is mounting a production of Thornton Wilder's 'Our Town'
in celebration of the Town of Concord's 350th birthday September 12,
1985. The six performances in our theater building [51 Walden) on September
12, 13, 14, 19, 20 and 21 will truly be our gift to the Town for all
tickets are free. Most of those cast are Concordians, and we hope a
vast majority of the audience will also be citizens of the Town. Despite
no charge for the tickets, we are aware that royalties cannot be waived,
and our treasurer will send the appropriate fee early in August.
are, however, asking for your special permission as part of the Town's
celebration. Many local organizations, as well as a Town Birthday Committee,
have planned various events during the four days. September 12-15 inclusive.
Several of these will be held our of doors on Saturday and Sunday the
14th and 15th.
first we considered full performances of the play out of doors, but
for various technical reasons and capricious weather, we decided against
this. Instead the Concord Players' Board would like to present on Saturday
and Sunday small scenes [10-15 minute vignettes] from the script in
appropriate outdoor locations [Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, the ballfield,
in front of a drugstore, etc.] for whatever impromptu gatherings and
celebrants might assemble. We felt that this would enhance, rather than
detract from, the six complete, evening, indoor performances and lend,
a special touch of nostalgia to the birthday celebration for all of
those involved.
further suggest that 'the royalty fee for one additional full performance
cover the presentation of these several small scenes-- for, in total,
they would be of less duration than the script in its entirety.
would appreciate a reply to this request at your earliest con- venience
so that we can report the outcome to a meeting of the Concord Players'
Board on July 9th. If we are allowed to do as we request, we would be
happy to let you know the exact pieces used and the times and specific
you for your attention to this matter.