Lawrence, co-author of “Auntie Maine” and “Inherit the Wind,” will be
in Concord this weekend. The playwright’s visit is more than a social
call: his latest work, “The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail,” is in final
rehresals at the Veterans Building, and Lawrence wants to be on hand.
is the product of some seven years’ work for Lawrence and co-author
Robert Lee. Their play portrays Henry David Thoreau in his late twenties,
a man whose mind is burning with many fires. His relationship with authority
was strained;his willingness to go to jail rather than pay a small poll
tax is caitral to the action. A century ago Thoreau, so well known as
a man of nature, struggled with the same problems of civil disobedience
and race discrimination which blight our country today.
had its premiere in Columbus, Ohio, last Spring. In the span of six
months since then, the play has been under contract for production for
more than a hundred theater companies across the nation Hal Walls has
bought movies rights for release in ‘71 and ‘72.
Lawrence has a special interest in coming to the Concord production.
He will spend a number of hours with Director Virginia Kirshner in rehearsals
at the Veterans Building. But one cannot help but speculate on the special
feeling one gets when renewing his acquaintance with Thoreau ( along
the pine needle paths he knew on the high banks above Walden Pond. The
Thoreau Lyceum with its reconstruction of the Thoreau cabin, the Emerson
House, the river and other places here were central to Thoreau’s life
and his writings.
Lydian Emerson (Patricia Butcher)
and Henry Thoreau (Terry Beasor)
opening night only two weeks away, the cast of THOREAU seems at home
with the play. What now remains is the development of the real depth
which differentiates a moving performance from a mediocre one. Lawrence's
presence is well-timed toward this goal.
night is November 12, and ticket sales have been unusually strong thus
far. Reserved seats are available at Richardson’s Drug, Concord, and
Stop, Look and Listen.
dates are November 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 27,28.